Storytellers at the New Forest Festival


Has been telling stories from around the world for the last 36 years Recently returned to the New Forest she brings home with her experiences of living in Uganda, in the mountains and boggy places of Ireland, the snowy flat plains of Ontario and the flaming red maple ridges of Western New York (lands of the Seneca Iroquois Nation.) Her travels have given her a deep love of our planet and the diverse peoples that live there.

Madeleine Grantham  

Has been telling all kinds of traditional stories since 1994, her enthusiasm and delight remains as fresh as ever. She has trained in: storytelling (with Ben Haggerty), physical theatre and fooling. Whether any of it has paid off, you had better decide - but they were fun!

Graham Rogers 

Has been a storyteller for 22 years, before that, a teacher and a dozen other things. He now works mainly with young children but recently he has been enjoying telling stories to adults.  He intends to get a proper job when he grows up. 

Pete Gritton

Pete is a storyteller with a passion for history.  He tells tales from Norse, British and other traditions with pathos, bathos and (sometimes) bagpipes.

Michael O'Leary

Mike arrived in Hampshire in 1976 to work as a greenkeeper in the
Meon Valley. He heard loads of stories - which attached themselves to
the stories already percolating through his confused brain. He has
been a professional storyteller since 1994, and has always been
struck by how the storyteller gets told stories. This is a great
privilege, though Mike sometimes steals them! No - he passes them on.
Mike uses musical instruments to create a complete performance, but
he doesn't expect a passive audience. He likes a conversation.