Friday, June 17, 2016


Excitement! We had a coach-party [well, more less, I'm a storyteller, I'm allowed to exaggerate a bit] from Farnborough in Hampshire, celebrating  the eightieth birthday of a gentleman who is a regular at Three Heads in a Well and wanted to convert his friends to the joys of storytelling for adults. On our mettle, we responded as follows: Maddie told a Hodja/Nasruddin story, The Smell of a Sausage, the Sound of a Coin, and followed it up with The Origin of Strawberries, a Cherokee tale. In the second half she gave us Count Corky, who knew all about life from books, but was brought to experience it for itself, as a child again. Raphael told us a Bohemian story, about Jana, her unreasonable step-sister, and the Months of the Year, and in the second half the Chinese story of The Two Brothers, one nice, one nasty, and how the nasty one got his comeuppance. Alan recounted how Nasruddin avoided preaching, and then gave us an insight into the effects of wine [not personally, you understand!]. Mike told two of his favourites, Silver on the Hearth and The King Who Always Worried and in between The Boy Israel and the Witch, all part of an advertising campaign for Shonaleigh, the wonderful Jewish storyteller on July 7th at The Art House in Southampton.

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